Miah pathlatuhpazy ta râtyrâhmâhpa vaw chatôh papua ei ta, he tlâsâhpazy liata eima châ ta pahrâna su phapa miah ama vaw taopa haw. He râh he miah pathlatuhpazy tawhta eima topa ryusôhpa a cha. He leipa ta Chin chyhsazy pita, su hropa hnei mapi. He he hmosaipiepa eima topa râh a cha. Moto ta eima ngiaryh chaina su a cha. Maniah pathlatuhpazy hleikhô ta Chin chyhsazy pita pathlatuh hropa hnei mapi. Chhohkhasawzy eima cha. Chin tahpa liata miakha eima cha.
Kôzabi miachakina lia mongyuhpa ta chaihrai chhao ta eima râh a vaw tly hla via daihti zydua cha khohtalaina tlokhuh hmâpa ta khih a vaw sa tyhpa eima cha. British avaw ngia ta, phohropa biehneina ry ta eima vaw y haw. Ryureituhpazy rypaoh viana deita pachapa ta biehneina rârizy ama tao. Chhâ zydua liata râh ahneituhpa chyhsazy pachâna a chyta dâhdei chhao pachâ chhuah vei ei. Kô 1945 rakha tawh râhzy khotalaina ama vaw hnei tawhta Chin chyhsazy pita, Bangladesh, India nata Burma tahpa râh thôhzy liata pachhaih didiah khaipa eima cha. British ta aryureina rypaoh nawpa ta ataochhyhpa rârina vata a cha. Vadua tah kaw pita, chahrasala chipho Mikhapa chhôhkhasaw eima cha pyly thlah haw.
Tlâsâhpa, saikao thuhpa nata chavahzy ta eima pahrânasu zy miah a panano. Daihti asie lymapa liata reih, hrozie, thyukheipa phôryhpazy a vaw nano lyma haw hra. Chahrasala, he alyuleinazy hlata chhôhkhasaw eima châna palôhphao athu via. Eima hrua leipa ta, Krizyhpa missionary zy thatihpha vaw phaopa ta eima râh ama vaw ngia. Thatipha ta Chin chyhsa hryta duahmo nano kawpa atao papua. Chin chyhsa zydua tlokhuh ta tao panano hawpa cha politics nata sôhpaliena thatihpha cha leipa ta, Zisu Krista thatipha he tlao a cha. Chipho nanopa chin chyhsazy hry ta thatipha chi hie pakawh via theina deita pachâpa ta ama reihzy ta châ zy ama tao. Chin chyhsa zydua ahly khai theipa reih eima hnei leipa he ngiachhie eima tah kaw.
He duahmo liata CACC ta châropazy nata achuna bu a vaw tao papua theipa he a pha eima tah kaw. He châropazy ta Chin chyhsazy apôhkha pathuh viana kyh liata miah pathieh via sala, a eih viapa ta reih ahly awpa rairuna liata pathlâna lâpi miah atao papuapa thei awpa chhao eima hnabeiseih. Anodeikua, châropa thokhazy liata palôhpasa chhih kawpa nata ngiaryh pachhihsa leipa biezy eima chu papua.
He biezy he achybia hnei leipa biezy châ ta, Mara Missionaryzy, Mara Krizynazy, nata Marapa chipho zydua pachhiepahru ta, panawraihsa chhuahna hawhta eima pahnopa vata achhy lei thei lei awpa bie ta eima pachâ.
Laichâ achuna Kô 9 bu “ LAICA CAWNNAK UDPI, JUMKHATNAK CAWNNAK, CAFANG REL LE TIAL, Year 9” ( Published by the Chin Association, Hakha, Chin State, Myanmar, 2009) liata he hawhta ropa a cha:
– “Lorrain nih ABM ram ah ram en kha a tim” chahnatho 123: Lorrain ta ABM râh chhôh lâ râh apakawh.
– “Lakher Pioneer Mission cu innchungkhar pakhat rian a si” chahnatho 123: LPM cha chhôhkha raihria a cha.
– “Siangbawite khual an tlawng bal lo” chahnatho 125: Missionary zy khi tlyh beih vei ei.
– “Naylor nih mi thathu ah a rel hna” chahnatho 126: Naylor ta chyhsa thathipa ta apacha ei.
– “Lorrain riantuannak hmun cu ramri i India lei chunglei siseh law, ABM cu kawlram Laitlaing ah siseh” chahnatho 126: “Lorrain raihriana cha India râhri chhôh lia deita chasala, ABM cha Burma râh Chin tlahzy liata a cha aw.
He hawhpa bieropa cheingei he Dr. Mang Hup châropa liata hmô theipa a cha heih. ( CHIN SINNING TUANBIA; CACC Publication, 2006; pp. 140-143) He biezy he Robert G.Johnson châbu ropa “ History of the American Baptist Mission; Vol.I, Velley Forge, USA, Pennsylavania, 1988) tawhta ama lapachhuahpa chasala eima ngiapa. Johnson heih ta Dr.Cope Dt. 25.5.1938 ta châ paphaopa tawhta biezy apatly pachhuahpa a cha heih.
LPM ( Lakher Pioneer Mission) nata ABM (American Baptist Mission) Pakao liata May 24, 1938 ta ama tyh. Dr. Cope ta amylâ May 25 ta châ aroh. Lorrain Mission tawhta Rev. Heisa nata mohropazy atyhna liata ama y hra. Amo cheingei ta ama hmôpa cha, ama tyhna daihti liata varo bie eichhiana a y tahpa a cha. Cha duahmo tawhta Cope châpaphaopa eima reih tita, achâropazy he palôhtlâh leina bie deita châ ta, Lorrain mopakha kyhchhiena hawhta ropa acha zie pahnothei awpa a cha. Kheihtaraichasala, missionary zy chhao cha ama daihti no ta chyhsapazy deita tlâ châ hra ei ta, chyhsapa liata tloh leina chhao ama hnei chyu hra tahpa eima pahnokhei thei thlah haw.
LPM Missionary zy nata Mara Awnanopa thatih achu nawpa ta Cope palôhtlah leina châropa deita he a y chhôhpa atlychakana châ vei. CACC ta Marapa kyh liata he hawhpa palôhtlâh leina châropa deita ama reih papua chanei ngâthlâh hapa deikua he pahno thai aru eima tah.
1. “Lorrain nih ABM ram ah ram en kha a tim” chahnatho 123: Lorrain ta ABM râh chhôh lâ râh apakawh.
Mongyu sawkha biehneituhpa zy hlâ chhao ta Lorrain ta Marara a vaw ngia tua haw. Marapa khihzy Mongyu biehneina ry liata a y hlâ ta, Lorrain ta Marapa khihzy liata chakaona raihria apathao haw. India Act nata Burma Act zy cha 1935 lia deita taopa tlâ châ ta, 1937 tawhta hmâ pathaopa tlâ a cha. Kô 1937 rakha tawh deita chakaona râhri kyh lia Dr.Cope nata ABM missionary zy ta tlâ ama buakheipa a cha.
Lorrain mission cha amoh chhaorai ta “ Lakher Pioneer Mission” bipa châ ta, Mara reih ahmâhpa chipho anuapa mission a cha. Anuapa chipho sia kaw thlâha ta, chavata achheipâh liata mission hropa Northern Arakan Hill Tract liata Church of England, Lushei Hills, Lunglei liata a y pa Baptist Missionary Society zy nata buana hnei vei ei. Ama bua lei hleikhô ta thatipha râh pakawh nawpa ta tlao ama deichhy vei châhpa ta pahnopa acha. ABM hawhta he mission zy chhao British Sawkha biehneina râh chhôh lia pyly ta a y hrapa ama cha. Ama chheipâh mission hropazy ta buakhei leipa ei ta, ABM deita râhrina kyh abuakhei thlah pa rai he ta, pahnokhei thai aru eima tah. ABM ta Marapa chipho kyh rai achyhta chhao pacha leipa ta, sawkha râhrina atao chhyhpa he rypaona pha kawpa hawhta pacha ta, râh pakawh tlâ a chhuahpa a lyu kaw. Chavata he râhrina kyh he hmodopa kyh liata buana hmeiseihpa châ vei tahpa ta eima pyh.
Palôhpasa chhih kawpa ta, India Act nata Burma Act ta Marapa cha râ miano ta maniah ama rai haw. Cha tho ta, Mara chyhsa cha Mara Awnanopa nata Baptist Awnanopa ta maniah apachhaih chanei hei. Khôthopa chyhsa hmotaopa vata he hawhta pachhaihdidiahpa ta eima ypa he apasa eima tah hmeiseih.
2. “Lakher Pioneer Mission cu innchungkhar pakhat rian a si” chahnatho 123: LPM cha chhôhkha raihria a cha. He he biedo leipa a cha. Lakher Pioneer Mission cha kô 1905 ta London liata paduapa acha. Adaihti no ta, Mission board hropazy hawhta py chhihtuhpa Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer nata luhpa hropazy ta paduapa acha hra. Py chhihthana dah, py chhihthatuhpazy raihria nata maophaona chhao asia kawpa ta taopa a cha. Cha Mission Board ta Lorrain zy cha tua papuapa a cha. Lorrain zy raihria nata maophaohna chhao asia kawpa ta taopa a cha hra. Cha missionary zy ta Mara Awnanopa ama padua. Mara Awnanopa chhao Py chhihthana dah (constitution and bye-laws) siakawpa ahnei hra. Chavata LPM nata Mara Awnanopa he chhôhkha raihria thlâhthlipa tlâ châ vei. CACC châropa zy liata bie zy cha achybia hnei leipa bie nata biedo leipa a cha.
3. “Siangbawite khual an tlawng bal lo” chahnatho 125: Missionary zy khi tlyh beih vei ei.
Cope ta Lorrai zy ama pôhkha kyh areipachhiena bie tlâ acha. Marapa chyhsa hleikhô ta, Marara liata ti nata leilô, tlâsâhpa nata saikao, chavah zy ta Lorrain zy nata ama hniachaipa lia chadô thlah ha ei ta, he zy ta Lorrain zy khi ama tlyh nata tlyh lei rei awpa ama hnei hluh ngasa aw. Lorrain zy cha Marapa pahrâna râh zydua tlyh ei ta, arâ chyhsa nata hmo yziezy ama chu papua. Amo sasyh ta thatipha bie ama chhopa cha khichhaipa nata mongyuhpa zy ta ama chhopa hlâ ta ama pyh pha via aw tahpa ahmô papua.
Chavata arâh chyhsa hriatuhpazy thlai la ta, pachu ta, amo cha “Kraws Pheisaih” tahpa moh paphao ta, atuah papua ei. He he Lorrain zy ama mission râh pakawna dah (mission strategy) a cha. Daihti asie lymapa liata Lorrain zy tao zie cha hmodopa achazie a lâ pasia haw. Marapa Krizyna cha sasyh ta râhpakawpa a cha. Kô 100 liata Mara chysa pakha ta chhao pahlôh leipa ta krizypa ama cha khai haw. CACC châropa liata biezy cha yzie hnei leipa nata bieruapa a cha.
4. “Naylor nih mi thathu ah a rel hna” chahnatho 126: Naylor ta chyhsa thathipa ta apacha ei
Naylor bie reipachhuahpa hawhta ropa châ ta, Naylor châropa cheingei hmô awpa y vei. Cope bie tawhta pahnopachhuahpa tlâ a cha. Cope nata ABM missionary zy hlâ ta Marapa ta Lorrain kyh ama pahno via chai aw.He râh chaki chabâ chaipa liata Lorrain khatlu mokuh sai ta, hriapasa ta, riethei atao tahpa thatihzy apahnokhohpa ama y chho khiah Marapa ta rei awpa ahnei hluh ngâsa. Mara Holy Bible cha kô 1955 liata hnei hawpa châ ta, Lushei Hills nata Chin Hills zy liata apahrâpa chipho zydua hlâ chhao ta hnei hmiatua chaipa Holy Bible a cha.
Adyuhpina daihti liata Lorrain zy cha su thlalô chhih viapa lâ apasie chy awpa ta biechho ei ta, chahrasala Marapa hrona liata hro ta, ama thina liata thi hra awpa cha tlao a tlyh haw ei ta, Marapa chyhsa puasai thei vei ei. Amo sasyh phana zydua siesaipa ta, Marapa chi nata pho châ ta ama hriapasanazy vata Mongyuh sawkha ta Lorrain cha Palyupalihna “Coronation Medal”, May 12, 1937, England beipa George VI abei châ ta chahnao pa-ina noh cheingei, liata piepa a cha. Pino Maud Louisa Lorrain chhao cha hawh pyly ta palyupalihna “KIH ( Kaiser-I-Hind) kô 1946 ta piepa acha hra.
England mongyuh sawkha rônahpa tlai chhao ta ama hriapasana vata palyupalihna apiepa châ ta, Cope ta apalâlao lei kawpa ta “ chyhsa thathipa” a tah ngâh thlâhpa he no-ah chhih tah pita, apachâna chhao pahno mapi. Ama huso hnoh chaipa daihti taihta eima hry ta y ei ta, eima hry ta ama pabu khai. Ama chipathla hnohchaipa Mrs.Violet Louisa Anie chhao atanoh eima hry ta miah ahro lâh chy.
Ama daihti no ta ama yna Marapa khih lia school kia nawpa chhao y leipa ta, achuna chhao hnei thei khao vei. Marapa chipho, Mara Awnanopa ta Lorrain zy hriapasana cha khatinorai ta apahnokhei thlah ha aw. Ato hlâ chhao ta ama kyh pacha chaipa Marapa ta Lorrain zy cha nochhâna noh taihta ama thei ngathlâ ha aw. CACC châropa liata bie he sasyh thipiena dâhdei chhao ahnei leipa bie, pachâna hmeiseihpa hnei hmâ leipa ta rei thlâthlipa bie ta eima pacha.
5. “Lorrain riantuannak hmun cu ramri i India lei chunglei siseh law, ABM cu kawlram Laitlaing ah siseh” chahnatho 126: “Lorrain raihriana cha India râhri chhôh lia deita chasala, ABM cha Burma râh Chin tlahzy liata a cha aw.
He he Johnson ano mopakha pachâna tlâ acha. Johnson cheingei chhao ta a châbu su hropa liata “ama ryraona bie siapa Dr.Cope ta reih pasia leipa ta, Strait chhao ta reih hra vei” atah pyly hra. Kha daihti no ta sawkha ta rârina sianô kawpa tao khai hra leipa ta, arâh chyhsazy ta politics kyh liata rârina cha apakhâsa hlei leipa ta ama tlyh chakhy thlah haw, Johnson ta a tah heih hra.
Pakao liata rârina kyh ama bieparyhpa Marapa pahnona dah rei awpa a y thla ha hra. Biehmiatuapa liata rârina kyh cha reih haw pita, he liata rei pasia chanei abyuhpa ta pacha khao mapi. Atanoh Mara Awnanopa Chin râh liata aduasu nothlahpa he ta LPM chakaona râh dopa achhopasia thlâh hapa ta eima pahno. CACC ta rârina kyh liata bie a rei chanei ngâpa he Mara Awnanopa cha atanoh Chin State liata pahnokheipa py châ vei a tah khoh tlyma tahpa chhao pachana miah apahneisa. Rârina kyh liata buana bie he cha yzie hnei hmeiseih leipa, taochhyhpa buana deita a cha, eima tah.
Eima rei chiehpa hawhta Dr.Cope châropa cha Pakao atyhna amylâpa ta aropa a châpa hawhta abie reipa zy chhao eima pahnokhei thei kaw thlah haw. Chin chyhsazy chhâzaw eima phan’awpa ta ama sasyh apaky khaipa ta Chin tlâh, Lushei tlâh, Arakan râ, nata Chittagong tlâh zy liata avaw chakaopa missionary zydua hnoh ta palôh chhôh chaipa tawhta alyna eima hlâ. Ama hmotao rônahpa nata ama hmotao phapazy pakah ta rei khai thei aw mapi. Thyutliapazy ama pahno lyma thei hran’awpa ta, Dr.Cope nata missionary hropazy amo sasyh ama paky khainazy nata ama hmotao rônahpa thatihzy Maraland Gospel Centernary Magazine (1907-2007) liata palâsa thei hra pita, Marapa ta eima palaikhei ngâsa. Dr.Cope hrona nata raihrianazy cha eima thôkhei kawpa ta eima pacha hra.
Anodeikua, Dr.Cope lâpi liata châro chhyhpa biezy CACC ta areih chanei ngâthlâpa dei he pahno thai aru eima tah hmeiseih (2006, 2009 zy liata). CACC ta châ reihtuhpa zy lâ ta bie ryuhi chho awpa a chhuah chhieliepa hnei sala, he hawhta mohropa châ ta aphahnai kheileipa biezy he rypaona phapa hawhta ahmâh chanei ngâpa a lyu kaw. Eima rei chiehpa hawhta Cope châropa deita he atlychakana a y chhôhpa châ leipa ta, Lorrain mission nata ama chakaona thatih achu khoh hmeiseihpa châta cha riethei tao ta, ahlapi lâ tlua papua chhao byuh hlei vei. Mara Awnanopa ta atlychakana châropa zy pie awpa amâ thlâh ha hra.
CACC ta Lorrain kyh châropa zy he Lai chyhsa zy chhao ta ama phahnaikhei kaw awpa ta pangiasa chhih leipa ta, Chin chipho hropazy nata Marapa chhao ta phahnaikhei aw vei tahpa cha pahno chyu thlahpa châ vei tly ma!!! Lai châ rei nata ro achupazy ta he biezy vata ama chuna lia ama hmahsie pha khei kaw awpa ta pangiasa hlei hra mapi.
Kho achhih lei kawpa cha, Lai châ achuna bu liata he hawhpa biezy pahlaopa he a cha. CACC ta chhâ a vaw y awpa liata thyutliazy lâ ta khapa bie ryuhi aso khohpa ma y haw vatly, tahpa pahno aru eima tah. Achhuah chhieliepa bienyupa y sala tahpa chhao noraina miah apahneisa kaw. He biezy he Marapa châ ta nata, Chin chyhsa â tahpa chipho hropa zy châ chhao ta apyh tlâh achuna bie cha vei tahpa eima phuah.
Lorrain nata LPM kyh liata CACC châropa zy vata eima ngiaryh khei leipa nata ngiarohkheipa zy eima phuah. Rei papua chiehpa CACC châropa biezy ta Chin chyhsazy apôhkhana thata aparao thei aw. He hawhta châropazy ta LPM missionaryzy, Mara Awnanopa, nata Marapa chipho zydua panawraihsa ta, sisaw leipa chyhsazy ta tao chhuahna biezy ta eima pachâ.
Ahy mopakha hnoh ta chipho hropazy khodah hawhta panawraisa theina tovyuh zydua tlokhuh pie khaipa châ hlei vei. Thi nata sa miakhapa unawh sietanôzy likawh liata khochhih leipa adyryh leina a tao papua thei aw. Chin râh liata Mara Awnanopa nata Baptist Awnanopa likawh apathluana atao papua thei aw. Chin râh liata Awnanopa apôhkhana aparao aw. Chhâ avaw y laih awpa liata thyutliazy lâpi do leipa lâ apaviasa thei aw.
Chin chyhsa zydua phan’awpa ta, palâsa hawpa CACC châropazy he maophaohna ahneipa chhihthatuhpazy ta thlai nama tao panano awpa ta eima cha hnaw. Nama châropa thai lei pachâna nata nama tao pananopa zy cha zawpi hluh viachai pahnosa theina bie nama phuah awpa ta eima cha hnaw hra. CACC ta eima hnawpa hawhta tao awpa akhoh leipa khiah, sawkha ta ahmângâ haipa dah liata Marapa ta chi nata pho abohna a tlua lyma aw.
Our ancestors wandered in the unknown jungles for ages and fought with merciless environments in order to make safe home for us in these highlands. It is the land we inherited from our forefathers. We, Chin people, have no home other than this one. It is the gift given to us. It is in this home where each one of us feels at home best. We, Chin people, have no alien ancestors other than those of our own. We belong no other than to each of us. “We are one in Chin.”
From time immemorial, we remained independent and free from outside forces until the uninvited British Colonial came to this land with arms in the nineteen century. Then, we were ruled. To fit the political and administrative interests of the rulers, namely, the colonial powers, the administrative borders were drawn arbitrarily without a slightest consent of the native dwellers of the land. When the newly formed states achieved independence from colonizers during the two decades following 1945 we, Chins, were divided among the three states, Bangladesh, Burma, and India, by the European-imposed borders. We feel unfortunate, but “We still are One.”
The rugged mountains, dales, and inhospitable environments separate areas of our settlement in these highlands. In the course of history, these conditions forced us to develop different dialects, identities, cultures, and way of life among the residents. Nevertheless, “Our sense of belongingness still transcends the differences.”
Without inviting, the Christian missionaries came to our land with eternal gospel. The gospel indeed has brought about the changes among the Chin people. It is not the good news of political achievement nor the economic reform but this very gospel of Jesus Christ that has turned the Chin Society up side down. While over-fixing on their single purpose of spreading gospel among the different tribes the missionaries reduced local dialects into writing. Sad is the fact that we are not given a common language for the Chin.
From this life setting, we do enthusiastically welcome the coming out of CACC’s Text Books for learners. We hope the present literacy work will surely respond the aged old difficulty particularly in the area of common language and hope to renew our commitment for the deeper unity. However, we are extremely sad to observe certain statements in the textbook for Year Nine. We are compelled to respond it because we deeply feel that the statements are baseless and not only undervalue the Mara Missionaries but also underrate the very core value of the whole Mara Christianity and Mara community.
In the textbook “ LAICA CAWNNAK UKPI, KUMKHATNAK CAWNNAK, CAFANG REL LE TIAL, Year 9”, (Published by the Chin Association, Hakha, Chin State, Myanmar, 2009), we observe the following statements:
– “Lorrain nih ABM ram ah ram en kha a tim” in the page 123: Lorrain encroached on the territory of ABM…
– “Lakher Pioneer Mission cu innchungkhar pakhat rian a si” in page 123: LPM is a one family enterprise:
– “Siangbawite khual an tlawng bal lo” in page 125: The missionaries do practically no touring
– “Naylor nih mi thathu ah a rel hna” in page 126: Naylor considers almost everyone lazy…
– “Lorrain riantuannak hmun cu ramri i India lei chunglei siseh law, ABM cu kawlram Laitlaing ah siseh” in page 126: “Lorrain would confine his work to the India side of the border and that the ABM would stay within the Chin Hills of Burma”
The statements of such kind were also made by Dr. Mang Hup in the book “CHIN SINING TUANBIA, CACC Publications, 2006, pp. 140-143. We believe the statements were quoted from Rev. Robert G. Johnson’ “History of the American Baptist Chin Mission” (Volume 1, Valley Forge: USA, Pennsylvania, 1988). We further observe that Johnson cited Dr. Cope’s letter of May 25, 1938 in his book.
The meeting between ABM and LPM took place at Pakao on May 24, 1938. Dr. Cope wrote his letter on the next day, May 25. Rev. Heisa from Lorrain Mission and others were there at the meeting. They vividly witnessed that there was dispute and quarreling erupted at the meeting. If we read between the lines, we can assume that Cope’s letters were ill- tempered ones, and most of them were directly related to Lorrain’s personal images. However, we could have well understanding of the missionaries, as they too were men of their own time and have certain limitations.
Cope’s letter is not the only source available to us for studying the life and works of LPM Missionaries and the Mara Evangelical Church. We are wondering why the CACC constantly bringing about the same statements in its publications, in 2006 and again in 2009.
1. “Lorrain nih ABM ram ah ram en kha a tim”: Lorrain encroached on the territory of ABM…
Lorrain came to Maraland long before the colonizers. The LPM already had started working among the Mara people when the land inhabited by the Mara people was known as unadministered territory. The twin promulgation of the India Act and the Burma Act came only in 1935 and implemented only in 1937. It was only after the 1937 the issue of encroachment of Christian preachers was raised by Dr. Cope. As the Lorrain’s mission is christened “Lakher Pioneer Mission”, the mission is precisely confined itself to the Mara dialect speaking tribe.
The targeted group of the mission was clearly defined, and it had no difficulty with the surrounding mission agencies, namely, the Church of England in the Northern Arakan Hill Tract, and with Baptist Missionary Society in Lungleh District, Lushei Hills. Like the ABM, both missions too were under the British Empire. The records witnessed that they rather rendered helping hands towards each other for the rapid spreading of gospel among the people of their own.
We do not simply understand how the dispute could be arisen with the ABM of Chin Hills regarding the territory served by the missions. It seemed that the ABM deliberately exploited the arbitrary boundary to expand its mission territory with giving no concern to the Mara tribe at all. It is self-evident reason for us to affirm that the issue is artificial. It is heartbreaking to note that the India Act and Burma Act ever divide the Mara people between the two countries. Furthermore, the Mara people are again divided into the two denominations, namely, the Mara Evangelical Church and Mara Baptist Church. We feel pain because we are simply divided by the causes imposed by the outsiders.
2. “Lakher Pioneer Mission cu innchungkhar pakhat rian a si”: LPM is a one family enterprise:
The statement is wrong. The Lakher Pioneer Mission was founded in 1905 in London. Like other mission boards of those days the Mission Board had its Chairman, Secretary, Treasurers, and other officers. The role and duties of office bearers were clearly defined. The Mission Board sent out Lorrains, and their roles and duties too were well defined. They established the Mara Church. The Church has its own approved Constitutions and bye-laws. Both LPM and Mara Church are not family enterprises. The statement in the CACC Publications is baseless and wrong.
3. “Siangbawite khual an tlawng bal lo”: The missionaries do practically no touring (Cope’s Letter, 5/25/38)
It is simply Cope’s personal critics for Lorrains. Not only the Maras but the stones and trees, the mountains and valleys that dearly and nearly surrounded the Lorrains could have better story to tell if the Lorrains travelled or not than Cope did. Lorrain travelled throughout the land inhabited by the Mara people and thoroughly surveyed the field and studied the people.
He skillfully observed the fact that native preachers could do better job than the white and strange people. Then, he trained the native workers and sent them out under the title of “Soldiers of Cross” to reach their own people. It was his mission strategy. History has proved that Lorrain’s “self-propagating” mission strategy is right. For the first one hundred years, no stone is left unturned and no Mara is left non-christian. The statement solely based on Cope’s letter is meaningless and incorrect.
4. “Naylor nih mi thathu ah a rel hna”: Naylor considers almost everyone lazy… (Cope’s letter, 5/25/38)
Naylor was reported to have made such remark, but we find nowhere Naylor’s original note in this regard. It is only in Cope’s letter that such adverse words we read. The Maras know Lorrains much better than Cope and ABM missionaries did. If one is ready to give attention to, the Maras will have full story of the Lorrains who spent such sleepless lonely nights for God’s mission in this remote land. We are proud to note that the Holy Bible is given to the Maras in 1955 acknowledged to be the first one among the different ethnic groups living in the Lushei Hills and the Chin Hills.
During the World War, the Lorrains were forced to leave for safety place, but they refused to do so because they rather choose to live and die with the Maras. In recognition of their selfless services that they rendered the Mara people Lorrain was awarded the Coronation Medal on May 12, 1937, on the very day of the enthronement of King George VI of England, and Mrs. Maud Louisa Lorrain was awarded KIH (Kaiser-I-Hind) in 1946.
We wonder how Cope had the courage to make such statement without hesitation. They all were with us until their last breath, and lie in the midst of us, Maras. Their last offspring Mrs. Violet Louisa Annie is still living with us till to date. Poor Violet was not given even a rudimentary education, as there was no proper school for her in those days in the far remote village of the country. The Mara Society, the Mara Church ever bears witness to the hard labor and tireless efforts of Lorrains. They will be remembered until the last day because they sacrificed all for God and for the people they loved above all. We have every reason to assume that it is illogical and we rule out the above statement as ruthless.
5. “Lorrain riantuannak hmun cu ramri i India lei chunglei siseh law, ABM cu kawlram Laitlaing ah siseh”: “Lorrain would confine his work to the India side of the border and that the ABM would stay within the Chin Hills of Burma” It is Johnson’s personal assumption. He clearly stated elsewhere that “Dr. Cope nowhere in his letters spelled out the details of the agreement, nor does Strait.” Johnson noted again that the border at some points is not clearly defined by geographical features, and that the tribesmen wandered from one side to another with little regard for political boundaries.
We, the Mara Church have our own version of the agreed boundary between the two missions. We believe we do not need to give further reasons here as it is aforementioned in somewhere else. The existing geographical map of Mara Church justifies the authenticity of LPM in the then Chin Hills. We are doubtful that the above statement of CACC attempts to reiterate that the Mara Church is still unauthorized one in the Chin Hills. We repeat it again that the issue is not genuine but created.
As we have already expressed elsewhere we can understand well the spirit of Dr. Cope’s letter as he wrote them just the day after Pakao Meeting. We give deep gratitude to the missionaries of the Chin Hills, Lushei Hills, Arakan Hills, and Chittagong Hills who worked and sacrificed all their lives for the eternal good of Chin people. Their contributions indeed are immeasurable and invaluable. We, the Mara Church, are proud to bring about the enormous contributions and unselfish services of Dr. Cope and other missionaries in the issue of Maraland Gospel Centenary Magazine (1907-2007).
We feel rewarding for Dr.Cope’s life and works. Nevertheless, we cannot simply understand why Cope’s arbitrary writings of such kinds are constantly brought about in the CACC’s publications, in 2006, and again in 2009. It seems to us that the CACC, by any means, spares no efforts to make full use of such unfruitful writings to convey its intentional message to its audience.
As we have already pointed out in another place that Cope’s letters are not the only available sources and, one need not to spend great efforts to discern the life and works of Lorrains’ mission if he is interested to do so. The Mara Church is more than happy to provide with the authentic information. We all know that those accounts of CACC’s are not helpful for the Lais, for other groups of Chin, for Maras, and for us all. We do not believe that the accounts would help the learners improve in their study of Lai literature as well.
To make the matter worse, the accounts are officially prescribed for learners of the Lai literature. We do not simply understand what sort of intentional message the CACC wants to convey to the coming generations. We doubt if there is hidden agenda behind the write ups. It is utterly unacceptable to the Maras, and we believe, to other tribes as well who identify themselves as Chin.
We do hereby express our deep concerns directly connected to the Chin Sinning Tuanbial and Year 9 textbook. We say that all the statements aforementioned in the textbook will badly damage to the unity of Chin people. Please note that the prearranged statements intentionally devalue and underrate not only the works and life of the Mara Missionaries but also that of the Mara Church and the whole Mara Community. No one is given every right to diminish the core value of other tribes.
Those statements can cultivate unwanted conflict between brothers and sisters of the same blood and flesh. The message can grow the spirit of exclusiveness between the Mara Evangelical Church and Baptist Churches in the Chin Hills. It can seriously harm to the unity of the churches in the Chin State as well. The accounts in the publications can mislead the coming generations of our beloved people.
For the common good of all the Chin people we, therefore, strongly argue the responsible persons to amend the aforementioned statements in the publications. We also passionately argue the responsible persons to decline the statements officially and declare the amendments to the public through the widely recognized mass media. We say if the CACC refuse to do so the Mara people as a whole will seek the available legal protection for the dignity of Mara identity. We affirm that no one should be marginalized, and everyone should be given enough breathing space in his/her motherland.
A kan hringsortu kan pupa hna nih tupi le hmawngthiam in an ra i, a tu kan tlawnlennak ram hi an rak phan. Atu kan ram hi kan pupa hna siin ka comi rosung a si. Hi hlei in Chin mi nih hmun dang kan ngei lo. Hi kan ram hi kan ca-ah laksawng sunglawi ngaingai a si. Zapi nih kan siarem biknak ram zong a si fawn. A kan hringsor tu hna hlei ah Chin mi nih midang hringsortu kan ngei lo. Chin timi ah pumkhat kan si bantuk in Inn chungkhar khat fa zong kan si.
Kum zabu 19 ah Mirang nih ral an rak kan ser i an kan uk hlan chung vialte zalen ngai in khua kan rak sa. Mah hnu ah mi uknak kuttang ah kan tla. Cu mi uknak chan chung vialte khuaram i a ummi hna ruahnak si lo in uktupawl duhning in kalpi a rak si. 1945 hrawng ram cheu khat zalennak an hmuh hnu ah Chin mi zong Bangladesh, India le Kawl ram tiah ram thum ah kan i thenthek. Mirang nih anmah siarem ning in tuah chawmmi ramri nih a kan dan dih. Vanchiat ngaingai kan si ko na-in Chin timi ah pumkhat thiamthiam kan si ko.
Tlang, hawrtuk le tiva hna nih kan tlawnlennak a kan dan. Khuacan hna nih holh le nunphung a kan dan fawn. Kan i dannak um len ko hmanhsehlaw, chungkhat fa kan sinak cu kan thinlung ah a tlau kho lo. Aho tal nih sawm lo mi Thawngthabia chimtu hna cu kan ram an rak phan. Cu Thawngthabia nih cun chin miphun dirhmun a sersiam. Chin miphun a thancho tertu cu ramrian le chawlehnak si lo in Zisuh Khrih Thawngthabia tu hi a si. Holh phunphun a ngeimi Chin mi sinah Thawngthabia a karh khawhnak ruah in mah le holh cio ca serpiak kan rak si. Cu ti cun Chin miphun vialte i hrawm khawh ding holh kan ngei ti lo i ngeihchia a si ko.
Hibantuk dirhmun ah kan um lio ah CACC nih ca-uk tampi a chuah khawh hi thiltha ngai ah kan ruah. Hi ca-uk hna ah hin Chin mi vialte pumkhat kan sinak a thuk deuh in a thar in ser kho sehlaw, a bik in holh i hrawm ti khawh lo nak hnahnawhnak ah lamtha kan sersiam piak kho seh ti hi kan hnabeisei ngaimi thil a si. Asina-in ca-uk chuahmi cheu khat ah lungsia a rem lo ngaimi bia kan hmuh len. Hi cabia hna hi a sullam a ngei lomi an si i, Mara Siangbawite, Mara Khrifa le Mara miphun vialte zeirello , zawmtaih le nautat sersat bia a si kha fiangte in a lang i CACC sinah leh lo awk a tha lomi thil ah kan ruah.
Laica Cawnnak Ukpi, Kum khatnak Cawnnak Cafangrel le Tial, Year 9 (Published by the Chin Association, Hakha, Chin State, Myanmr, 2009) ah a tanglei bantuk in aa tial.
• Lorrain in ABM ram ah ram en a tim(Cahmai 123)
• Lakher Pioneer Mission cu innchungkhar pa khat rian a si.(cahmai 123)
• Siangbawite khual an tlawng bal lo(cahmai 125)
• Naylor nih mi thathu ah a rel hna(cahmai 126)
• Lorrain riantunanak hmun cu ramri i India lei chunglei sisehlaw, ABM cu Kawlram Laitlang ah si seh(cahmai 126).
Hi bantuk thiamthiam in Dr. Mang Hup te tialmi Chin Sinning Tuanbia: CACC Publication, 2006, cahmai 140-143) ah kan hmuh. Hi biahna hi Robert G Jonhson tialmi “History of the American Baptist Mission Vol. I,(Valley Forge, USA, Pennsylvania, 1988) chung i bia kha an lak than mi a si cio. Johnson zong nih May 25, 1938 ni i Dr. Cope cakuat kha a cherhchan i a tialmi a si.
LMP (Lakher Pioneer Mission) le ABM (American Baptist Mission) cu May 24, 1938 ni ah Pakao ah tonnak an ngei(Pakao cu Ngaphaipi le Darling karlak Bawinu tiva tihrat pa khat min a si). Hi an i ton a thaizing ah Dr. Cope nih cakuat a tial. Lorrain Mission lei in Rev. Heisa le a dang zong an i tel ve i, anmah hrimhrim nih an mit hmuh han ah sau lak te bia an i al tiah an chim. Cu dirhmun in Cope cakuatmi kan rel tikah a catialmi hi lungthat bu in a tialmi a si lo. Lorrain thatlonak a tial kha hmuh khawh a si. Zeitin va si kun kaw, Siangbawite zong cu minung an si ve i tlinlonak an ngei cio lai ti tu in theihthiam piak a hau.
LMP Siangbawite le Mara Khrifa kong cawn ding ah Cope lungthatlo lio a tialmi ca long hi maw a um hnga. CACC nih Mara mi cung ah hi bantuk lungthat lonak kong tialmi nan chuah lengmangmi hi khuaruahhar a va si dah. Theithiam a har ngai.
1. Lorrain ni ABM ram en a tim (Cahmai 123)
Mirang ralkap nih Mara ram an phak hlan ah Lorrain te nih Mara ram an phan hmasa. Lorrain te an phan lio ah Mirang uknak Mara ram ah a phan rih lo. Cu lio ah cun Lorrain te cu riantuan hram a thawk cang. 1935 ah India Act and Burma Act ser a si i, 1937 ah hman a si. 1937 kum ah riantuannak ramri kong he pehtlaih in Dr. Cope le ABM Siangbawite nih hnahnawhnak an ngei.
Lorrain mission cu a min hmanh ah “Lakher Pioneer Mission” tiah sakmi a si i, Mara holh a hmangmi miphun kha a biapi chiah in dirhmi mission a si. Cu bantuk in a pawngkam i Mission rian a tuan vemi Northern Arakan Hill Tract i Church of England, Lushei Hill, Lunglei ah a ummi Baptist Missionary Society hna zong he buainak an ngei bal lo. An buai lo hlei ah Thawngtha bia karhnak ca-ah an i bawm cio. ABM bantuk in mission riantuannak cu British pennak tang ah a ummi an si cio ve.
An pawngkam he buaibai nak a rak um bal lo i ABM tu nih ramri kong he a buaipi ngaimi hi theihthiam awk a har ngai. ABM nih hin Mara miphun kong hi a pelte hmanh ruat lo in acozah nih a sermi ramri kha biatak te in a tlaihkhih i ram kauh a timmi an lo. Cu ca-ah ramri kong he pehtlaih in biatak sinak ah buaipi awk a si nemmam lo tiah kan ruah. Ngaihchia awk ngaingai a simi 1935 India le Burma Act nih Mara ram cu then hnih ah a kan cheu. Cu hlei in Mara miphun cu Mara Khrifa le Baptist tiah kan i then chap hoi. Aleng leimi ruang ah hi bantuk in kan i then mi hi kan ca-ah a fak tuk in ka ruah
2. Lakher Pionner Mission cu inchungkhar pa khat rian a si (cahmai 123)
Hi bia hi a hman naisai lo. Lakher Pioneer Mission hi 1905 lioah khan London ah dirh a si. Hruaitu Chairman, Secretary, Tresurer tiah a phungning te in dirh a si. Bu hruaining phung le lam, zulh awk le riantuan awk tiah fiang ngai in tuahmi bu a rak si. Cu Mission Board nih Lorrain te kha an rak thlah i, an thlah tik zong ah a tuan hnga ding kha fiangte in an tuah piak. Cu bu nih thlahmi Siangbawite nih Mara Khrifa bu hi an dirh. Mara Khrifa bu zong Constitution le Bye laws tha ngaimi a ngei i cu ning cun i hruai a si. Cu ca-ah CACC ca-uk i inchungkhar rian tiah a timi hi a sullam a ngei lo ngaimi a si
3. Siangbawite Khual an tlawng bal lo (Cahmai 125)
Cope nih Lorrain pumpak sawiselnak bia men a si. Mara mi le Mara ram ti le tlang, hawrthuk le tlangsang hna hi Lorrain he a naih bikmi an si hi hna nih Lorrain khual a tlawn le tlawn lo kong chim awk tampi an ngei hnga. Lorrain te cu Mara mi an umnak khua tampi an tlawng i a ram minung le thil sining kha biatak te in a cawn.
Anmah te in Thawngthabia an i chim khawh ahcun khual a simi Mirang nuva chimnak in hmual a ngei deuh lai tiah a ruah ca-ah Mara mi hna kha a cawnpiak hna i amin ah “Kros Pheisai”(Vailamtah Ralkap/Soldier of Cross) tiah a sak hna i Thawngthabia a chimhter hna. Hi hi Lorrain te Thangthabia an karhternak (Mission strategy) a si. Caan a sau deuh deuh i Lorrain te tuah ning hi thilhman a si nak kha a fiang chin chin. Mara khrifa sinak cu mah le mah ram kauh ter khi a si. Kun 100 chung ah Mara mi pakhat hmanh baulo te –in Khrifa kan si dih. Cu ca-ah CACC ca-uk bia hna hi sullam ngei lo, pakpalong a si.
4. Naylor nih Mi thathu ah a rel hna (Cahmai 126)
Naylor chimchawmmi kha tialmi a si i Naylor tialmi taktak hmuh awk a um lo. Cope sinin theihmi bia a si. Cope le ABM hna nak in Mara mi nih Lorrain kong hi a let tampi an thei deuh lai. Hi ram a kiangkap, ramcar ah Lorrain nih zeitluk in dah retheih te mitkuh tuar timi theih a duhmi an um ahcun Mara mi nih chim awk tampi kan ngei. Mara Holy Bible hi 1955 kum ah kan ngei cang. Lushei Hill le Chin Hill chung a tuanbik Holy Bible a ngeimi kan si.
Vuleicung ralpi a thawh lio ah khan Lorrain te hi a him deuh nak lei thial chung ding in acozah nih a fial na –in, Mara mi thihnak ah kan thi lai, Mara mi an nunnak ah kan nung ve lai tiah an i thial duh naisai lo. Anmah pumpak miaknak si lo in Mara mi ca-ah thatnak an rak tuahmi ruang ah Mirang acozah nih Lorrain kha “Coronation Medal” May 12, 1937 England Siangpahrang George VI Siangpahrang ah nawlngeihnak a lak ni ah pek a si.
Kan pi Moud Louisa Lorrain zong mah bantuk thiamthiam in laksawng KIH (Kaiser-I-Hind) kha 1946 ah pek a rak si ve. An riantuannak ruang ah Mirang acozah hrimhrim nih thangthatnak laksawng an pek hna lio ah Cope ni Mi thathu tiah a ti ngammi hrimhrim hi khuaruahhar a si. A ruah awk kan thei lo. An nunnak a dih tiang kan sinah an um i kan sin ah an phum. An hrinsor hnubik Mrs. Violet Louisa Anie zong nihin tiang kan sin ah a kan nunpi rih ko. An rak umnak Mara khua ah hin Sianginn a um lo i cawnnak zong a ngei kho lo. Mara miphun, Mara Khrifa nih Lorrain te an tuannak hi zeitika hmanh ah a theih peng lai. CACC catialmi hi mah hngal lo,ruah thitha lo in tial sawhsawhmi bia a si.
5. Lorrain riantuannak hmun cu ramri India lei chunglei siseh law, ABM cu kawram laitlang ah siseh(cahmai 126)
Hi hi Johnson amah ruahnak men a si. Amah Johnson lila nih a ca-uk hmun dang ah “an i ceihmi biatak hi Cope nih a chim lo i, Strait zong nih a chim ve lo” tiah a ti. Hi chan lio ah hin acozah nih ramri a hmanmi a tuah dih kho rih lo. A ram minung hna zong nih ramri kong ah buai lo in an tlawng kho ko tiah Johnson nih a ti rih. Pakao an i ton lio ramri kong an ceihmi he pehtlaih in Mara minih chim awk kan ngei ve ko.
Atuan deuh kan chim cangmi a si ca-ah a tu chim nolh a hau ti lo tiah kan ruah. Nihin Mara Khrifa nih Chin ram chung ah kan dirhmun hmanthlak nih hin LMP riantuannak a hman ning kha a langhter tiah kan ruah. CACC nih ramri kong pehtlaih in a nolh than lengmang mi hi Mara Khrifabu hi nihin Chin State ah theihpimi bu an si lo ti hlah maw an duhnak a si hnga timi ruah nak zong a kan ngeihter. Ramri kong ah buainak bia hi sullam a ngei lomi, phuahchawmmi buainak menmen a si tiah kan ruah.
Kan chim cang bang in Dr. Cope catialmi hi Pakao i tonnak ni a thaizing ah a tialmi a si bantuk in a chimrel ning in kan theihthiam piak ko. Chin mi hna zungzal in thatnak lei kan panh nak hnga an mah le mah sunghnak he Chin, Lushei, Arakan ram le Chittagong ram hna ah riantuantu Siangbawite cung ah lungthin tak te in lunglomhnak bia kan chim. An thiltha tuahmi le an thil tuasernak hna kaa in kan chim cawk lai lo. Seino hna nih thei hna seh tiah Dr.Cope le Siangbawite kong kha Maraland Gospel Centenary Magazine(1907-2007) ah kan langhter i, Mara mi nih kan i chawr pi ngai ve. Dr. Cope nunnak le a riantuannak hna hi kan ca-ah a kan thathnem ngaimi ah kan i ruah ve.
Cu belte Dr. Cope lampi ah kawl chawmmi bia hna hi CACC nih a nolh than lengmang mi hi theihthiam a har ngai tiah kan ruah. CACC nih hin careltu hna sin ah biaroling chim chung ding ngei sehlaw hi bantuk in midang ca-ah a thathnem lo mi bia hna hi a nolh lengmang mi a lo. Cope tialmi long hi i chirhchan awk a tha bik a si lo i, Lorrain te kong cawn duh ahcun lamhlat pi retheih ngai in kal hnawh hau lo in Mara Khrifa bu ah chirhchan awktlak ca-uk tampi a um ko. CACC nih Lorrain kong a tialmi hi Laica a cawngmi ca-ah zei thathnemnak hmanh a chuahpi lai tiah kan zum lo i, Laica tial le rel a cawngmi ca zong ah hi bia an cawn tikah zei thathnemnak hmanh a chuahpi lai lo.
Zoh a dawh lo ngaimi cu Laica cawnnak ca-uk hi bantuk bia hna telh hi CACC nih a ra lai hnga ding chan seino hna ca-ah zei roling bia dah a cah duh timi hi theih kan duh. Timhnak pakhat khat a ngei hrimhrim tiah zong ruahnak kan ngei. Hi bia hna hi Mara mi ca-ah le Chin mi ca-ah le a dang miphun ca zong ah cohlan awktlak cawnnak a si lo tiah kan phuan.
Kan Hauhmi
Lorrain le LMP kong ah CACC catialami he pehtlaih in kan duh lomi le ka hauhmi thil hna kan phuan. Chim ciami CACC catialmi nih Chin miphun lungrualnak a hrawh kho. Hi bantuk hi LMP Siangbawite, Mara Khrifa, le Mara miphun vialte niamter, zeirello ah kan ruah. A hohmanh nih Miphun dang kha kan niamter kan nautat kho lo. Thi le sa khat unau ta le far karlak hmanh ah duh a nung lomi i rem lo nak a chuakpi kho. Chin ram Mara Khrira le Baptist Khrifa karlak ah i theihthiam lonak a chuak pi kho. Chin ram Khrifa i pumkhatnak a hrawh kho. A ralaimi chan ah seino hna kha lam kan pial ter kho.
Chin mi vialte hmailei thatnak hnga ruah bu in kan chim cangmi CACC catialmi hi tlangtlatu le laireltu CACC upa nih nan thlen lai. Nan ca chuahmi a hman lonak le nan thlennak kong kha zapi tam deuh nih relmi Makazin le Thangthanhnak ah nan phuan lai. Atu i kan in hauhmi hi CACC nih a pehzulh lo ahcun acozah nih a hman lio mi upadi chung ah Mara mi nih kan miphun himnak a kawl peng ko lai.